The strap is calfskin leather and what stands out is that there are no adjustment holes in the strap for the folding clasp. The clasp utilizes a “pinch” feature that locks the strap in place. This allows for infinite adjustability so you can really dial in the sizing for your wrist. This is a feature I had never seen on a watch until now and it works very well. Another element of the Maurice Lacroix Pontos Replica Watch that works particularly well is the crown. It is slightly over-sized and has a radial grain pattern that enables a strong grip when in use. I have seen too many watches with a crown that was poorly designed and difficult to use. This made winding or even setting the watch annoying. So this was a welcome and refreshing aspect of the watch.
You can choose from two high-gloss, lacquered dials, black or white. When I say high-gloss, I mean it. The Maurice Lacroix Replica Watch dial looks smooth as glass. Both dial options have contrasting white or black chrono counters that have a matte circular grain pattern. You will also find a quick change date at 6 o’clock integrated into the hours counter. The hands are laser-cut and rhodium plated with bold blue-green lume at the tip. You also have matching hour markers with a green lume on the outside of the dial.